Excel alike pivot table:
council_name <- c("Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham",
"Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham",
"Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham",
"Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham",
period <- c("1st 2006", "1st 2006", "1st 2006", "1st 2006", "2nd 2006",
"2nd 2006", "2nd 2006", "2nd 2006", "1st 2006", "1st 2006")
category <- c ("glass", "fridges", "paper", "glass", "glass", "fridges",
"paper", "glass", "glass", "fridges")
data <- c(333, 222, 100, 98, 450, 540, 33, 450, 560, 120)
category2 <- c ("collected", "collected", "collected", "no donors",
"collected", "collected", "collected", "no donors",
"collected", "collected")
df <- data.frame (council_name, period, category, category2, data)
## council_name period category category2 data
## 1 Barking and Dagenham 1st 2006 glass collected 333
## 2 Barking and Dagenham 1st 2006 fridges collected 222
## 3 Barking and Dagenham 1st 2006 paper collected 100
## 4 Barking and Dagenham 1st 2006 glass no donors 98
## 5 Barking and Dagenham 2nd 2006 glass collected 450
## 6 Barking and Dagenham 2nd 2006 fridges collected 540
## 7 Barking and Dagenham 2nd 2006 paper collected 33
## 8 Barking and Dagenham 2nd 2006 glass no donors 450
## 9 Barnet 1st 2006 glass collected 560
## 10 Barnet 1st 2006 fridges collected 120
df %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = c(council_name,period),
names_from = c(category, category2),
values_from = data,
values_fn = sum)
## # A tibble: 3 x 6
## council_name period glass_collected fridges_collect… paper_collected
## <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Barking and… 1st 2… 333 222 100
## 2 Barking and… 2nd 2… 450 540 33
## 3 Barnet 1st 2… 560 120 NA
## # … with 1 more variable: `glass_no donors` <dbl>
Useful way to get a summary of aggregated data:
stats::xtabs(data ~ ., df)
## , , category = fridges, category2 = collected
## period
## council_name 1st 2006 2nd 2006
## Barking and Dagenham 222 540
## Barnet 120 0
## , , category = glass, category2 = collected
## period
## council_name 1st 2006 2nd 2006
## Barking and Dagenham 333 450
## Barnet 560 0
## , , category = paper, category2 = collected
## period
## council_name 1st 2006 2nd 2006
## Barking and Dagenham 100 33
## Barnet 0 0
## , , category = fridges, category2 = no donors
## period
## council_name 1st 2006 2nd 2006
## Barking and Dagenham 0 0
## Barnet 0 0
## , , category = glass, category2 = no donors
## period
## council_name 1st 2006 2nd 2006
## Barking and Dagenham 98 450
## Barnet 0 0
## , , category = paper, category2 = no donors
## period
## council_name 1st 2006 2nd 2006
## Barking and Dagenham 0 0
## Barnet 0 0